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Here are a couple of frequently asked questions, we hope it will help :

Once your subscription over you will have to purchase a new 1 year license key. KeyHydra will not work anymore on your system otherwise.

Activation Cloud is the licensing service for Keyhydra. It check your license via internet. It allow us to protect a minimum Keyhydra from piracy. Buying it is supporting us for more features to come, it’s important.

All license are floating license. Wich is best for companies. Be aware that the licensing system require an internet connexion.

We currently propose One commercial et non commercial license for everybody [Students, Freelancer, Personnal Use and companies] –> 29,99 –> 1 years –> Free updates.

If you already own a Premium license [1 year] –> All updates are free.
You just need to login on Gumroad and you will find it in your previously purchased item. If you have any problem just keep in touch.

We made a video for you [Please watch it] : https://vimeo.com/275116322


-First things to check :

  1. Active Internet connexion is required. [No Internet = No KeyHydra].
  2. Do not have 2 versions of 3dstudio max open at the same time. [Please check the windows task manager]
  3. Check windows task manager FOR “acLAN.exe” [In the Details Tab]. If “acLAN.exe” is missing go to ‘If the server is not running above’
  4. Press the windows key/or Windows Start Menu and type : ‘Monitor’ it will open the ‘Lan License Server Window’ there you should see if the server is running on your machine or not.
  5. If you Motherboard or Ethernet Card changed, it mean that your MAC Address changed –> You need to contact support.
  6. If for any reason your MAC address changed you need to contact the support –> You need to contact support.

-If the server is running :

  1. Restart max and than go to Main Menu –> KeyHydra –> Show
  2. The Keyhydra window will open from there just go to : ‘Help’ menu and press ‘Check license’
  3. Wait 5 seconds.
  4. Than go to ‘Help’ menu ‘about’
  5. If status is ‘Ok to run’ you’re done !
  6. If status is still ‘Can’t check in’ you should probably contact us : sales@onikanabo.com

-If the server is not running :

  1.  Be sure you installed it within the KeyHydra installer [it’s required].
  2. You can start the Licensing Server Manually –> Windows Start Menu –> Activation Cloud –> Start [Please right click run as administrator].
  3. Wait a bit and launch max.

Just write us, we will answer your questions : sales@onikanabo.com